Davidoff Gift Selection 9 Cigar
Davidoff Gift Selection 9 Cigar
For those smokers in your life that deserve only the finest, we present the Davidoff Nine Cigar Gift Selection to shower your loved ones with opulence. Never before has there been a collection of such richly diverse luxury tobacco in one place, representing the full spectrum of Davidoff's immense compendium of premium cigars. Each one of its nine stogies is the champion of its field, allowing the smoker who receives the gift to sample the many tastes Davidoff has perfected. With an artfully crafted wooden box, inlaid with alabaster coloring at the base, the Davidoff Nine Cigar Gift Selection is already wrapped and ready to be given to a joyfully grateful aficionado.
Cigars Included:
- Davidoff Signature No. 2
- Davidoff Signature 2000
- Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto
- Davidoff Millenium Piramides
- Davidoff Escurio Robusto
- Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
- Davidoff Yamasa Petit Churchill
- Davidoff WSC Churchill WSC Davidoff TLH Robusto