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One of the most popular cigar styles in Europe, Cigarillos broke into American culture by way of the spaghetti western. Cowboys are synonymous with the United States, and soon they become synonymous with small cigars. The quintessential image is John Wayne leaning across the saddle, with a little cigarillo perched in the corner of his mouth.

Known as a “Seven Minute Cigar”.
Cigarillos were designed to be smoked in seven minutes. The perfect solution for the cigar lover that doesn’t have enough time to smoke a full cigar.

The definition isn't definitive but there are accepted standards. A cigarillo is usually of a smaller length that is less than a few inches long with a smaller ring gauge.

While many may perceive the Cigarillo as an alternative to cigarettes, the smoking experience is drastically different. Which is why they tend to be more popular in the cigar world than the cigarette world.

In recent years, many brands have begun experimenting with small cigars to great success. The styles may vary greatly but the satisfaction is the same. whether they're made with a tapered head or a closed foot, cigar aficionados will love them.

In many ways, cigarillos are perfect for the modern day smoker. The short burst of flavor is ideal for anyone on a lunch break or traveling. Traditional cigars require the smoker to stop and really focus on the experience. But cigarillos can be enjoyed with other activities.

Many are even enhanced by pairing them with specific recreation. Countless smokers have found that cigarillo at breakfast starts the day on the right foot. An espresso is well known to pair well with tobacco. Any type of coffee is enhanced with the magic of toasted tobacco.

Cigarillos have been a gateway for many to experience the wonder of tobacco. The key is the incredible delights found in many flavored cigarillos. Brands like ACID and Backwoods have pioneered imbuing their tobacco with rich tastes. Anyone curious about cigars in general but hesitant about trying a larger gauge will find the perfect compromise in short smokes.

Cigarillos are available from some of the biggest cigar brands in the world right here! Premium cigar makers like Avo, Macanudo, Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, and Excalibur have all made incredible short smokes. As well as the names synonymous with the cigarillo niche, such as Al Capone's, Black & Mild & Swisher Sweets.

Mike’s Cigars carries all these lines and more at the best available prices. Every shape and size of short smoke is here for the smoker's pleasure!
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