RyJ by Romeo y Julieta
in each stick they construct is near perfect from the farming of their rich tobaccos, to the collection, construction, and distribution. The RyJ by Romeo y Julieta is another superb addition to their lineup of premium cigars.
The RyJ by Romeo y Julieta supreme hand-made in Nicaragua cigar is a unique offering. Rich, robust, full oompf, and intensely spicy, the wrapper is a Nicaraguan Corojo from Limonera, Jalapa. Cultivated exclusively for this cigar and has never been used before. The binder is a double binder comprised of Nicaraguan Jalapa & Esteli. The double binder allows Romeo y Julieta to blend a very complex taste and flavor profile and adds structure to it. The fillers are a 2010 vintage tobacco group consisting of Nicaraguan Jalapa, Nicaraguan Esteli, and a Nicaraguan La Mia. These tobaccos not only burn exceptionally well, but are some of the most highly aromatic in the world due to them being grown in the diverse soil types and climates of Nicaragua.
This cigar a rich tobacco aroma with chocolate, orange and following the flavors with cinnamon, ginger, graham cracker, molasses. Rich and robust long finish for this cigar. This cigar is full bodied and spicy, keeping all the traits that make up some of the best cigars in the market. RyJ by Romeo y Julieta is an innovative new cigar with a luxurious look that is made 100% for the cigar aficionado that truly appreciates a great barrel from start to finish. The smoking den will never be the same after you light up an RyJ by Romeo y Julieta.
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The RyJ by Romeo y Julieta supreme hand-made in Nicaragua cigar is a unique offering. Rich, robust, full oompf, and intensely spicy, the wrapper is a Nicaraguan Corojo from Limonera, Jalapa. Cultivated exclusively for this cigar and has never been used before. The binder is a double binder comprised of Nicaraguan Jalapa & Esteli. The double binder allows Romeo y Julieta to blend a very complex taste and flavor profile and adds structure to it. The fillers are a 2010 vintage tobacco group consisting of Nicaraguan Jalapa, Nicaraguan Esteli, and a Nicaraguan La Mia. These tobaccos not only burn exceptionally well, but are some of the most highly aromatic in the world due to them being grown in the diverse soil types and climates of Nicaragua.
This cigar a rich tobacco aroma with chocolate, orange and following the flavors with cinnamon, ginger, graham cracker, molasses. Rich and robust long finish for this cigar. This cigar is full bodied and spicy, keeping all the traits that make up some of the best cigars in the market. RyJ by Romeo y Julieta is an innovative new cigar with a luxurious look that is made 100% for the cigar aficionado that truly appreciates a great barrel from start to finish. The smoking den will never be the same after you light up an RyJ by Romeo y Julieta.
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