Partagas Benji Master Series
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
cigars in the world by Cigar Aficionado. Cigar Aficionado Magazine had this to say about this year’s release, “Menendez has access to General Cigar's large inventory of tobaccos, which allowed him to blend the new Master Series LX to his own personal specs. The blend consists of a dark
Cameroon wrapper, Connecticut Havana-seed binder, and a filler combination of Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan tobacco from both the mainland and the island of Ometepe.” Benji who was recently inducted into Cigar Aficionado’s Hall of Fame, had the following to say about his current masterpiece: “The blend is the same as the original Benji Menendez Partagas Master Series, but because it's a thicker ring gauge, we needed to give it more flavor, strength and taste. We added more Nicaraguan tobacco to the blend to accomplish this. This is a very smooth cigar with a rich flavor which my team and I find particularly pleasing." It’s medium in body and has a spicy aroma, with a mild sweetness from the Cameroon leaf and a spicy follow-up from the Connecticut binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos inside. If you enjoy spicy cigars, this is an absolute winner.
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Cameroon wrapper, Connecticut Havana-seed binder, and a filler combination of Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan tobacco from both the mainland and the island of Ometepe.” Benji who was recently inducted into Cigar Aficionado’s Hall of Fame, had the following to say about his current masterpiece: “The blend is the same as the original Benji Menendez Partagas Master Series, but because it's a thicker ring gauge, we needed to give it more flavor, strength and taste. We added more Nicaraguan tobacco to the blend to accomplish this. This is a very smooth cigar with a rich flavor which my team and I find particularly pleasing." It’s medium in body and has a spicy aroma, with a mild sweetness from the Cameroon leaf and a spicy follow-up from the Connecticut binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos inside. If you enjoy spicy cigars, this is an absolute winner.
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