National Brand
cigars you will notice the wonderful sweet and tobacco tones, with a spongy feel and a smooth mouth feel. The wrapper, filler, and binder are all from the rich soils of Honduras, and are all made in the same factory as Baccarat and Camacho cigars.
Lighting up a National Brand is as easy as pie, with little effort required to get started. The flavors that come through the draws are that of wood, cedar, and some subtle undertones of sweetness that linger with every puff. A popular Mild to medium smoke, this is the perfect cigar to pair with your morning cup of joe, or when hitting the links with your crew.
For the price, this is the cigar that you want to have ready for action in your humidor, particularly when sharing with friends. If you’re a novice cigar smoker and are looking for a good smoke to adjust your palate, this is the cigar for you.
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Lighting up a National Brand is as easy as pie, with little effort required to get started. The flavors that come through the draws are that of wood, cedar, and some subtle undertones of sweetness that linger with every puff. A popular Mild to medium smoke, this is the perfect cigar to pair with your morning cup of joe, or when hitting the links with your crew.
For the price, this is the cigar that you want to have ready for action in your humidor, particularly when sharing with friends. If you’re a novice cigar smoker and are looking for a good smoke to adjust your palate, this is the cigar for you.
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