Montecristo White cigars
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Montecristo White cigar line is made in La Romana, Dominican Republic at Tabacalera de Garcia Ltd. Montecristo White tobacco leaves come from the warm, rich soils of Ecuador. This smoke combines a silky-golden, blonde Ecuadorian wrapper with a hearty Nicaraguan binder leaf and a truly special blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler tobaccos. The Montecristo White cigars have turned out to be an outstanding addition to the Montecristo portfolio.
These cigars feature a medium body, which delivers rich taste, with silky notes of roasted almonds and sweet coconuts, earthy, floral fragrance with vanilla and coffee bean flavor, finishing smooth and vibrant while being a remarkable construction. The top quality of a cigar is usually noted in the look of the head or cap, this is why the Montecristo White cigar is one of the most valued cigars in the market. The cigar has climbed to the top of the world's renowned cigar list, and it continues to get the highest ratings from American consumers.
The Montecristo White Cigar has received a superb 90-rating from Cigar Aficionado in their June 2017 issue!
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These cigars feature a medium body, which delivers rich taste, with silky notes of roasted almonds and sweet coconuts, earthy, floral fragrance with vanilla and coffee bean flavor, finishing smooth and vibrant while being a remarkable construction. The top quality of a cigar is usually noted in the look of the head or cap, this is why the Montecristo White cigar is one of the most valued cigars in the market. The cigar has climbed to the top of the world's renowned cigar list, and it continues to get the highest ratings from American consumers.
The Montecristo White Cigar has received a superb 90-rating from Cigar Aficionado in their June 2017 issue!
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Montecristo White Mini
Natural 2 7/8 x 20From $13.95 To $62.50
Montecristo White Prontos Petites
Natural 4 x 33From $11.95 To $53.95