Montecristo Pilotico Pepe Mendez


Montecristo Pilotico Pepe Mendez


Dominican Republic
Ecuador Sumatra
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
100 % of 100
Montecristo Pilotico Pepe Mendez are perhaps the most storied cigars in the world. Their tale not only created a great cigar, but changed the company.  In the 1960s, Pepe Mendez traveled the world for two years, seeking the perfect conditions to grow tobacco. He finally found that place in the Dominican Republic, where he fell in love with both the soil and the climate.  Mendez was a knowledgeable, determined, and passionate pioneer. He brought his tobacco heritage along with those Cuban seeds, introducing the Dominican Republic to the classic Cuban methods for processing premium tobaccos. These methods included special selection and grading of tobacco; establishing more than 20 different grades based on specific criteria of tobacco leaf uniformity and quality. Next he taught the secrets of fermentation; Pepe extended the process that enhanced the richness and complexity of Dominican tobaccos. Finally, he introduced curing and aging techniques by establishing strict controls over the environmental factors, which yielded tobaccos of better consistency and cleanliness of flavors.
The Pilotico cigars feature a rare Dominican seed that has been rebirthed by Pepe Mendez’s family-owned operation, Jose Mendez & Company, and the Grupo de Maestros.  This rare and prized tobacco is the result of the very special relationship they have. The Dominican Pilotico’s complex and robust smoke features an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, Dominican binder, and both Nicaraguan and Dominican Pilotico filler, all of which give this cigar a nutty, leathery, and sweet-tasting profile, as well as a robust aroma and a slow burn that aficionados can truly savor and appreciate.
All in all the cigars are deliciously flavored, full of nutty flavores and creamy, robust aroma.
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