Monte by Montecristo
This Montecristo gives you a new twist while keeping it a classic and great tasting blend. This wonderful cigar has a rich aroma of pine, toast, cereal, with flavors of dried figs, honeycomb, and is topped off with a very complex multilayered but yet majestic finish.
The fine tradition of Montecristo continues today with skilled craftsmen in the Dominican Republic. The Montecristo cigar maintains its reputation as one of the finest cigars out and the standard by which other cigars are judged.
All these elements make these cigars one of the most exceptional in the Montecristo lineup. It is truly hand rolled to perfection, considered to be one of the best constructed cigars on the market to date. Montecristo Monte simply put, is heaven from start to finish. Known for its smooth and satisfying tatse along with its impeccable construction, it has the ability to capture all the complex flavors while staying true to a cigar lover’s taste. Overall, the cigar is a must try for the real cigar aficionados.
Monte by Montecristo earns "Top 10 Cigars of the Year" honors for 2014 by Cigar Aficionado Magazine!
This is what CA had to say about the #9 Cigar of 2014:
"Altadis U.S.A. Inc. has a library of storied cigar brands. Romeo y Julieta. H. Upmann. Montecristo. These are cigars that people have smoked for decades, and while they have large followings the company has made the ambitious move of taking a hard, new look at each of those landmark brands and offering new versions of each.
Monte by Montecristo is a remake that harks back to what Altadis did with Romeo y Julieta in 2012 (you might recall a Romeo by Romeo y Julieta earned our No. 3 spot in the Top 25 that year). The box is sleek and modern, with a new take on the Montecristo name. But the real change lies in the cigar itself.
Where most Dominican Montecristos are mild, with Connecticut-seed wrappers, Monte by Montecristo Jacopo is blended with Ecuador Havana wrapper, Dominican filler and two binder leaves, one Dominican olor, the other Nicaraguan Corojo.
The box-pressed Jacopo (pronounced HAH-coh-poh) No. 2 size was released in 2013. The cigar has plenty of leather and spice on the palate, with a note of chocolate on the finish. It’s a delicious new take on a celebrated old cigar brand." Credit: Cigar Aficionado Magazine
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Monte By Montecristo Monte
Natural 6 x 60From $16.75 To $209.95
Monte By Montecristo Toro
Natural 6 x 52From $16.15 To $202.50
Monte By Montecristo Conde (pig Tail)
Natural 5 1/2 x 48From $15.80 To $197.95
Montecristo The Full Monte Freshloc
From $45.95 To $359.95
Monte By Montecristo Jacopo No. 2
Natural 6 1/8 x 54From $16.30 To $124.95
Montecristo 4 Pack Assortment
Natural 6 x VariesFrom $49.50 To $174.95