vertical integration of the production of Miura cigars. The family owns two factories, one in Esteli, Nicaragua and the other in La Pintada, Panama.
Few cigar companies have found a place for themselves in the market after the 1990’s cigar boom. Fortunately, the Leon brothers have established Miura as a boutique brand, based in Doral, Florida. Miura cigars use tobacco from South American countries that are known for their fertile soil, such as Brazil, Panama, and Nicaragua.
Aficionados at Blind Man’s Puff and Cigar Snob rave about the quality of Miura cigars. The publications have rated Miura cigars at 90 and 91 respectively.
Much like the breeding of Miura bulls, Miura cigars have been cultivated to beat out the competition. Taste the quality that comes from cigars that have been crafted with a personal family touch. Be smart, pick up Miura cigars from Mike’s Cigars, where you’ll find the best prices.
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Few cigar companies have found a place for themselves in the market after the 1990’s cigar boom. Fortunately, the Leon brothers have established Miura as a boutique brand, based in Doral, Florida. Miura cigars use tobacco from South American countries that are known for their fertile soil, such as Brazil, Panama, and Nicaragua.
Aficionados at Blind Man’s Puff and Cigar Snob rave about the quality of Miura cigars. The publications have rated Miura cigars at 90 and 91 respectively.
Much like the breeding of Miura bulls, Miura cigars have been cultivated to beat out the competition. Taste the quality that comes from cigars that have been crafted with a personal family touch. Be smart, pick up Miura cigars from Mike’s Cigars, where you’ll find the best prices.
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