H Upmann 180 Anniversary Churchill
H Upmann 180 Anniversary Churchill
H Upmann 180th Anniversary Churchill Cigars show that some brands only get better with age. Each cigar is the culmination of every blend they've gifted us. Since the day they started rolling premium tobacco, H Upmann has shown an unrivaled dedication to quality.
That perfectionist spirit shines through in every inch of the 180th Anniversary cigar’s profile. For a smoke this vaulted, H Upmann knew the only thing that would pass muster was prime Nicaraguan tobacco.
The 180th Anniversary blend consists solely of pure, passionate, pristine Nicaraguan tobacco. From filler to wrapper. The wrapper leaf in particular was specifically slaved over. A medio tiempo leaf that was harvested and fermented by A.J Fernandez. Each wrapper leaf is fermented with an intricate process that takes three full years. Resulting in a more nuanced flavor profile.
The blend comes in ten count boxes, which are individually numbered. Only five thousand boxes will be produced, so smokers need to act now to get ahold of this once in a lifetime blend!