Davidoff Yamasa
The blend of tobacco that’s used offers very rich and deep flavor for your pallet, with the iconic smooth and rich profile that have come to embody the Davidoff lineup. The Yamasa is a cigar aficionados dream, with a perfectly shiny and oily warm brown wrapper that is immediately both appetizing and enticing. The blend of aged sweet Condega and spicy Esteli Dominican filler tobaccos, combined with the Yamasa binder and wrapper, produces tastes of earthy nuts, cappuccino, cedar, and pepper.
The Yamasa series of cigars is a smoke unlike anything you have tried before. One of Henke Kelner’s greatest accomplishments and has become one of our best sellers of all time! The Yamasa is a medium to full bodied cigar that needs to be experienced to fully appreciate why Davidoff is considered the king of super-premium cigars.
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Davidoff Yamasa Petit Churchill
Natural 4 x 48From $16.80 To $204.50
Davidoff Yamasa Piramides
Natural 6 1/8 x 52From $29.10 To $303.60
Davidoff Yamasa Robusto
Natural 5 x 50From $22.75 To $237.60
Davidoff Yamasa Toro
Natural 6 x 52From $26.90 To $280.95
Davidoff Yamasa Robusto Tubo
Natural 5 x 50From $23.60 To $246.00