Davidoff of Geneva have created an exceptional cigar as uniquely diverse as the man who is behind the inspiration. Davidoff's Master-Blenders, blended the Winston Churchill Cigars with a rich mixture of fine qualities drawing on its namesake, the great Winston Churchill. In early 2015, Davidoff Cigars rolled out a complete makeover of the Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigar line, now reintroduced as an extension of their Davidoff White Label Cigar line. The new Winston Churchill cigars have been rebuilt from the ground up with a new logo and a brand-new blend. The new Winston Churchill Cigar sports an Ecuadorian Rojiza wrapper and Mexican San Andrés binder, along with a new blend comprised of five filler leaves: a Piloto Seco and hybrid Olor/Piloto from the Dominican Republic, and a Piloto Mejorado Seco, and Seco Puro from the Condega and Estelí regions in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, grown in the mineral rich volcanic soils of Condega and Estelí, add a spiciness and depth of character to the cigar, while the black Mexican Binder is grown in the volcanic San Andrés region, found in the southeastern part of the country near the Gulf of Mexico. The leaves in this blend spend a minimum of 4 years in an aging process before they are used in the creation of these marvelous cigars. The tobacco leaves were carefully selected to ensure that they deliver the complexity of character of the Davidoff Winston Churchill blend, and then sent for additional aging to deliver to an exceptional blend that is worthy of paying tribute to the great Sir Winston Churchill. Davidoff’s master blenders spent a lot of time selecting the best wrapper for the Winston Churchill Cigar. After years of research, they settled upon a beautiful Ecuadorian Rojiza wrapper, which adds complexity and creaminess that enhances the overall experience. The overall result is an aromatic cigar, that is incredibly complex, while remaining perfectly balanced, bringing together creamy oak flavors with mocha coffee and cocoa, something unlike any other Davidoff cigars. The peppery, leathery and roasted notes are unique to the Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill cigar is offered in four different sizes packed in boxes of 20: Churchill, named The Aristocrat (6 7/8 x 47), Toro, named The Commander (6 x 54), Robusto, named The Statesman (5 1/4 x 52) and Petit corona named The Artist (4 1/2 x 41).
Davidoff Winston Churchill received an outstanding 90-rating from Cigar Aficionado magazine in the December 2017 issue! ...Read More
This small cigar smokes BIG. Construction and flavor are impressive, as expected from Davidoff. It's 30 minutes of great smoke and the tin is very convenient.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Commander Toro Pack
worthy of its namesake
well-made, smooth, right at the edge of full to too full for me. this is a wonderful cigar.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Aristocrat Churchill Pack
Exclusive Company
I can almost picture the great Winston Churchill relaxing in his office with a 4-pack of these cigars on his desk. One of the slimmer cigars I've tried, but certainly packs a punch ... just right for an hour-long smoking session.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Commander Toro Pack
I first learnt about Davidoff via the Churchill Late Hours which my investment banker suggested. On my last purchase, I also acquired some regular Churchill Toros. I actually prefer these to the Late Hours, as the flavor is more natural, sweeter, while still a very satisfying smoke for a med-full cigar lover.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Commander Toro Pack
Davidoff Winston Churchill Commander: A high-end cigar, well worth the money.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill in Commander size is a cigar that is normally above my normal price point, but in my humble opinion was well worth the money. This medium-bodied cigar has a beautiful Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that is flawlessly crafted. Upon lighting the cigar, the magic of its delightful complexity began. The initial draw reveals notes of cedar, leather, and a hint of pepper, creating a refined and sophisticated experience. The construction was a work of art, providing an even burn and a smooth draw from start to finish. The aroma filled the air with its pleasant and inviting scent. The Davidoff Winston Churchill Commander size is a cigar is perfect for those seeking a refined and memorable smoking experience.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Commander Toro
A commanding smoke, distinguished and luscious for the whole duration.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Aristocrat Churchill
The fanciest cigar you'll ever smoke.
ByScout Master Brill Cream
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Commander Toro
Five Stars
I like to imagine that Churchill himself is watching me smoke every time I light one up and nodding with approval.
ByJerry Hipple
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Commander Toro
I enjoyed every second of it.
ByBrandon Leopold
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Aristocrat Churchill
Worth every penny, the flavors are spellbinding. Like a five course feast for the senses.
Davidoff Winston Churchill Commander: A high-end cigar, well worth the money.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill in Commander size is a cigar that is normally above my normal price point, but in my humble opinion was well worth the money. This medium-bodied cigar has a beautiful Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that is flawlessly crafted. Upon lighting the cigar, the magic of its delightful complexity began. The initial draw reveals notes of cedar, leather, and a hint of pepper, creating a refined and sophisticated experience. The construction was a work of art, providing an even burn and a smooth draw from start to finish. The aroma filled the air with its pleasant and inviting scent. The Davidoff Winston Churchill Commander size is a cigar is perfect for those seeking a refined and memorable smoking experience.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Belicoso 4
Winston Churchill Belicoso 4-pack Tin
The Winston Churchill Belicoso 4-pack Tin was intro to an actual Davidoff cigar. My friends and I all enjoyed the sticks, nice size, good construction and nice burn, all around a wonderful stick. Not a 5 star, but close. Will enjoy this pack again.
Verified Buyer
Winston Churchill Commander Toro Pack
Awesome Cigar
This has to be one of the best cigars I have smoked. It's only comparable to their Nicaraguan blend, which has stronger flavor and notes of spice. I have smoked true Cuban Cohibas and I would take the Davidoff WC over them, regardless of price.
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