
Davidoff Signature


Davidoff Signature


Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Mild to Medium
96.315789473684 % of 100
What does it mean to be the Davidoff Signature Cigars line? To be a signature line says that this is the standard by which all of cigar lines are to be held. This means that Davidoff of Geneva Cigars is so confident in the quality and experience of the line that they say “This is what is means to be a Davidoff Cigar, this cigar is the barometer by which we will ALWAYS define ourselves.”
It is important to note that the Davidoff Signature line was once known as the Davidoff Thousand line, keeping the original blend, but with a name that screams “satisfaction guaranteed”. Inviting a reputation of opulence, elegance and timelessness, the Davidoff Signature is the perfect cigar to pair with your favorite beverages.

By pairing an Ecuadorian Sun Grown tobacco wrapper with a selection of the very best Dominican binder and aged fillers to create a carefully balanced mild to medium-bodied smoke that will deliver mouthfuls of rich, creamy, and complex flavors along with delicate and elegant flavors that make the Signature Cigar line more than worthy of the name “Davidoff”.
The Signature’s Dominican blend produces a flavor provide that includes creamy puffs of caramel, earth, white pepper, chocolate, and cedar, with a scintillating floral aroma that is immediately warm and inviting. When is comes to blending and cultivating the finest perfectly aged tobaccos, there is no one that does it better than Davidoff. To see it in action, look no further than the Davidoff Signature Cigar line.
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