Davidoff Primeros
hand- crafted Nicaragua Primeros, our aim is to delight aficionados, who are in the mood for short adventures in today’s hectic lives, with an exciting taste experience.”
The Primeros by Davidoff Dominican is hand-rolled with the same short filaments of the tobacco leaves wrapped in the Davidoff No. 2, the Petit Panetela format of Primeros. This is truly a unique experience when you look to experience an superb cigar in a 15-minute undertaking. The filler is a mix of Nicarasguan and Dominican tobaccos, the binder is Ecuadorian and the wrapper is a Habano seed from Nicaragua. When you light a Primeros cigar, you'll taste the aroma of creamy sweetness, bitter-sweet puffs in a 15-minute adventure. Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua are available for purchase in tins of 6 cigars.
Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua Maduro is a cigar that has more of an intense flavor for cigar aficionados. The Primeros Maduro are handcrafted using a short-filler Dominican tobacco blend. This is a fantastic little cigar with aroma has the characteristics of Davidoff's classic roots with its filler blend and exquisite, full-bodied taste. The Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua Maduro has a Sumatra Mexico wrapper, Ecuadorean binder and filler from Nicaragua tobaccos from the Esteli Ometepe and Jalapa regions, as well as Dominican Piloto tobaccos. According to Davidoff, “Time, as we know, can sometimes pass too quickly. But imagine if, only for a moment, you could pause it, creating a time of escape and reflection. How would you fill that time? Beautifully, we’d suggest, with a handmade Primeros by Davidoff. The perfect companion for those short moments, you’ll be rewarded by an exquisite experience, filled with rich aromatic, harmonious flavors and sophisticated taste that only Davidoff can deliver. Made with 100% tobacco, no one but our hand-picked experts touches your handmade cigar before you do. It’s a simple way of ensuring you enjoy the unparalleled quality of Davidoff, time after time after time.”
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Davidoff Primeros 6
Maduro 4 1/8 x 34From $32.25 To $144.95
Davidoff Primeros 6
Natural 4 1/8 x 34From $32.25 To $144.95
Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros 6
Natural 4 1/8 x 34From $32.25 To $144.95
Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros 6
Maduro 4 1/8 x 34From $32.25 To $144.95
Davidoff Escurio Primeros 6
Natural 4 1/8 x 34From $32.25 To $144.95