Davidoff Grand Cru
Decades later, Grand Cru still stands up, offering a mellow to medium-bodied profile that any cigar enthusiast can enjoy.
The Davidoff Grand Cru Series is a luxurious lineup of premium cigars with an aromatic blend punctuated by a nutty, woodsy spice. Featuring top-quality Dominican ligero leaf surrounded by an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper of velvety medium-brown, the Davidoff Grand Cru Series is available in boxes of 25 cigars and convenient packs of five. A sophisticated selection that is as robust as it is relaxing, the Davidoff Grand Cru Series is a popular premium handmade choice for serious smokers who buy cigars online.
Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 received an epic 90-rating from Cigar Aficionado magazine in the June 2015 issue!
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Davidoff Grand Cru No 3
Natural 5 x 43From $23.55 To $512.50
Davidoff Grand Cru No 2
Natural 5 5/8 x 43From $26.00 To $565.00
Davidoff Grand Cru Robusto
Natural 5 1/4 x 52From $30.45 To $662.50
Davidoff Grand Cru Toro
Natural 6 x 54From $35.20 To $765.00