Davidoff 702 Series


Davidoff 702 Series

DAVIDOFF 702 SERIES (discontinued)

Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
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The Davidoff 702 Series Cigar puts an intense spin on classic Davidoff Cigar lines. The new supercharged Davidoff 702 Cigars builds upon Davidoff’s reputation as the industry leader in quality and consistency. The 702 uses their legendary cigar blends, such as the ever-popular White Label, but rather than use the standard Connecticut wrapper they wrap the cigar with a super-powerful Piloto Cubano from Ecuador.

The name “702” comes from the name given to unique hybrid-seed, made from the cross-breeding of 3 distinct Cuban tobaccos that was used in the creation of the Piloto wrapper. The Pilotos’ shiny and oily skin provides a tremendous amount of power and a more intense experience that true aficionados know and love. Davidoff's master blenders have taken this remarkably tasty wrapper and paired it with some of Davidoff's most iconic production blends to create a bold new smoking experience.
Davidoff’s master blender, Hendrik “Henke” Kelner, told Gregory Mottola of The Cigar Aficionado magazine that the company crossed a pair of seeds to create a wrapper they refer to as the 125, and that seed was crossed with another Cuban seed to produce the wrapper used on this cigar, the 702, leading to them adopting it as the name. You may never experience a smoke like this again, so give the Davidoff 702 a shot, you won’t be disappointed.
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