Chevere Brand Cigarillos

Introduced in the early 1990s, Chevére Cigarrillos are beloved as each cigarrillo is a brief lively, peppery excursion from everyday worries. While many cigars have that initial excitement within the first few draws, a Chevére Cigarrillo, thanks to its smaller size, maintains the experience from the first draw to the final exhale.
A Chevére Cigarrillo would make the perfect accompaniment to a finely brewed cup of morning coffee, a good craft beer, or a freshly grilled steak. Of course, it is just as well enjoyed on its own as your little indulgence for a hard day’s work.
However you choose to enjoy your Chevére Cigarrillo, you will be partaking in a cherished entry into our esteemed family of brands, and our perfect marriage of Brazilian and Sumatran Tobacco, Cuban-American heritage and ingenuity, and the lush Emerald Isle, will have you feeling Chevére.
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Chevere Half Corona
Natural 4 1/8 x 37From $25.00 To $32.50
Chevere Senoritas
Natural 3 7/8 x 31From $25.00 To $45.95
Chevere Tabaquitos 20
Natural 3 1/2 x 20From $25.00 To $56.50