CAO Maduro
Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Medium to Full
may very well be the best maduro cigars ever crafted. With several 90+ ratings from both Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider in addition to being named the #8 cigar of 1998, you can rest assured that the CAO L’Anniversarie Maduro is a cigar that will please even the most discriminating palate. The CAO Maduro cigar is crafted using a dark, rich, oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper which is triple fermented for extra smoothness and character the CAO L’Anniversarie Maduro are medium-full bodied smokes. Inside this phenomenal wrapper is an Ecuadorian binder and select blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler tobacco which produces a thick, rich smoke. When combined, all the components merge together into an incredibly well balanced cigar. Beautifully box-pressed and featuring outstanding construction, the CAO L’Anniversarie cigars begin with a medium body and aromas of chocolate, coffee and nuts. As the cigar progresses, flavors of leather develop while the aromas of coffee and chocolate deepen. The finish of these cigars builds depth as you smoke yielding one of the most complex maduro cigars on the market. If you are a fan of maduro cigars, the CAO L’Anniversarie Maduro cigars belong either in your humidor or on your wish list.
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