Buffalo Trace Cigars
set high for their first cigar. They started with a majestic blend of Piloto Cubana and Nicaraguan tobacco for their filler. Capping the blend is a lavish Brazilian Arapiraca binder. Highlighted by its dark and oily Ecuadorian Sumatran wrapper.
One of the many things that set their tobacco apart is its aging process. Buffalo Trace uses its own bourbon barrels to ferment its tobacco to bring out its rare and ravishing flavor.
Light up any of its sizes and you'll feast on the hearty taste of vanilla, cedar, cashews, and a hint of spice. Pick up a box, light up, and pair it with an oaky Buffalo Trace Bourbon!
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One of the many things that set their tobacco apart is its aging process. Buffalo Trace uses its own bourbon barrels to ferment its tobacco to bring out its rare and ravishing flavor.
Light up any of its sizes and you'll feast on the hearty taste of vanilla, cedar, cashews, and a hint of spice. Pick up a box, light up, and pair it with an oaky Buffalo Trace Bourbon!
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