Bauza Brand Cigars
were popular among the everyday people in Cuba, due to its favorable blend and low price tag. Fidel Castro said, in an interview with Cigar Aficionado, that it was a brand that he had enjoyed smoking.
It wasn’t until the late 80’s that the brand was restored by the incomparable Carlos Fuente Sr and Oscar Boruchin, the late owner of Mike’s Cigars. Oscar claimed Bauza was the ‘love of his life’, it being the very first cigar he had ever smoked.
Oscar’s career in the cigar industry had a funky start. When he fled Cuba in 1961 he came to Miami and worked as a taxi driver. One of Oscar’s clients decided to pay the cab fare with a box of Cuban cigars. Oscar sold the box of cigars to a shop, and it built his business from there. Building upon his success, as well as the changing climate of cigars with the Cuban Embargo, Oscar grew him impact in the industry and ended up working for General Cigar Company as the regional sales manager for the Southern states.
In 1981, Oscar left General and went to work for Mike’s Cigars, helping to grow it from a small shop to a larger operation. Four short years later, Oscar purchased the company and expanded the scope of Mike’s Cigars, adding inventory and starting their mail-order service.
Oscar boosted Bauza’s exposure as well. An underground hit with Miami locals, Oscar saw the brands potential and made it a national hit in the early 90’s. Bauza’s band pays homage to the historic Cuban edition, featuring a lively green tobacco leaf in the center.
Bauzas are produced at the Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic. Under the watchful eyes of the Fuente family. Bauza cigars are handmade by the very same torcedors that make Arturo Fuente award winning cigars.
With a medium to full-bodied strength, the Bauza blend consists solely of Dominican tobacco with an Ecuadoran Sumatra tobacco wrapper. Cigar Aficionado has rated Bauza cigars as excellent and outstanding multiple times, with review consistently in the 85-94 range.
The Cuban heritage runs deep within Bauza’s pedigree. This cigar has strengthened the love between aficionados and their cigars time and time again. Pick up a Bauza and reignite your love affair with cigars.
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It wasn’t until the late 80’s that the brand was restored by the incomparable Carlos Fuente Sr and Oscar Boruchin, the late owner of Mike’s Cigars. Oscar claimed Bauza was the ‘love of his life’, it being the very first cigar he had ever smoked.
Oscar’s career in the cigar industry had a funky start. When he fled Cuba in 1961 he came to Miami and worked as a taxi driver. One of Oscar’s clients decided to pay the cab fare with a box of Cuban cigars. Oscar sold the box of cigars to a shop, and it built his business from there. Building upon his success, as well as the changing climate of cigars with the Cuban Embargo, Oscar grew him impact in the industry and ended up working for General Cigar Company as the regional sales manager for the Southern states.
In 1981, Oscar left General and went to work for Mike’s Cigars, helping to grow it from a small shop to a larger operation. Four short years later, Oscar purchased the company and expanded the scope of Mike’s Cigars, adding inventory and starting their mail-order service.
Oscar boosted Bauza’s exposure as well. An underground hit with Miami locals, Oscar saw the brands potential and made it a national hit in the early 90’s. Bauza’s band pays homage to the historic Cuban edition, featuring a lively green tobacco leaf in the center.
Bauzas are produced at the Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic. Under the watchful eyes of the Fuente family. Bauza cigars are handmade by the very same torcedors that make Arturo Fuente award winning cigars.
With a medium to full-bodied strength, the Bauza blend consists solely of Dominican tobacco with an Ecuadoran Sumatra tobacco wrapper. Cigar Aficionado has rated Bauza cigars as excellent and outstanding multiple times, with review consistently in the 85-94 range.
The Cuban heritage runs deep within Bauza’s pedigree. This cigar has strengthened the love between aficionados and their cigars time and time again. Pick up a Bauza and reignite your love affair with cigars.
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