My Father Le Bijou 1922
Three caps are applied to the head of this cigar in true Cuban fashion. Complex, rewarding and pleasurable - Pepin’s new gem. The cigars have only a Nicaraguan long filler blend that has been patiently aged to perfection, bringing an exceedingly elegant smoke to the palate.
Le Bijou lives up to its billing! With a consistent flavor profile, well balanced. Very rich and full-line flavor, one of the finest cigars out there, an absolute must-smoke! Especially for anyone who loves full-bodied cigars.
The date 1922 denotes the birth year of José Garcia, the father of José “Pepin” Garcia. Le Bijou means “the jewel” in French. And this cigar is emblematic of all the Garcia family has achieved. Pepin started as a roller in Cuba before emigrating to Miami and eventually opening up a tiny rolling gallery in Little Havana.
Commercial and critical acclaim for his cigars allowed expansion into Nicaragua. Today, Pepin, Jaime, and Janny Garcia lead My Father Cigars, and their factory in Estelí produces millions of cigars a year. Despite rapid growth, the family still takes great care in producing cigars with quality and distinction, which is easy to see in the My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo Box Pressed.
It takes a lot of talent with tobacco to create a stick that conveys the rich taste of dark chocolate and raisins, savory leather, and a sweet-and-salty finish. This cigar has an ideal combination of power and finesses to make a number one pick. It’s the second Cigar of the Year for the Garcia's
My Father Le Bijou 1922 Rated #1 with an amazing 97-rating in the Top 25 Cigars of 2015 by Cigar Aficionado magazine!
Cigar Aficionado said, "The original My Father brand was created by Jaime Garcia to honor his father, Pepin. A year later, Pepin decided to honor his own father with an offshoot brand called My Father Le Bijou 1922. Unlike the originals, which wear an Ecuadorian cover leaf, Le Bijou 1922 cigars are darker and stronger.
The blend is Nicaraguan from top to bottom, showcasing Cuban-seed wrappers that the Garcia family calls Oscuro. Only one size—this torpedo—is box-pressed. Some will say that box-pressing a cigar is only an aesthetic decision. But when the Garcias took this hearty, complex blend, rolled it into a torpedo shape, and then gave it a pressing, the result stood out for its ability to deliver complex notes clearly and harmoniously."
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My Father Le Bijou 1922 Petit Robusto
Natural 4 1/2 x 50From $9.20 To $147.50
My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo
Natural 6 1/8 x 52From $14.60 To $233.95
My Father Le Bijou 1922 Grand Robusto
Natural 5 5/8 x 55From $53.50 To $218.95
My Father Le Bijou 1922 Toro
Natural 6 x 52From $14.15 To $226.50
My Father Le Bijou 1922 Churchill
Natural 7 x 50From $15.20 To $242.95