La Flor del Caney
The cigars are made with the finest tobacco from the Cibao valley in the Dominican Republic, with Cameroon wrapper aged in tercio, letting the leaves sweat in their own juices for the entire aging process. The old Cuban Flor Del Caneyd was aimed to advance the Cuban national pride by being promoted for dignitaries, officials and statesmen worldwide.
The original plan called for a special cigar, made of rare tobaccos but the rare leaves failed to materialize and the brand fizzled by the late eighties. But the Matasa Factory developed a brand one hundred times better. Quesada is the cigar maker responsible for the Fonseca, Licenciados, and Casa Magna but with La Flor Del Caney he really outdid himself.old Cuban brand, now made in the Dominican Republic and released in 2001 by...
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La Flor Del Caney Bouquet
Natural 4 3/4 x 36-59-44From $8.17 To $72.50
La Flor Del Caney Churchill
Natural 7 1/2 x 50From $8.45 To $87.50
La Flor Del Caney Corona
Natural 5 1/2 x 43From $6.33 To $68.50
La Flor Del Caney Lonsdale
Natural 6 1/2 x 43From $6.56 To $71.50